Frequently Asked Questions

Can you design my visual identity?

Yes, this is more or less our core business. We look at what our clients need and then together we come up with a well-functioning visual identity.

Can I have a logo created by you?

Yes, of course. Usually we create a whole brand and a logo is a part of that. But in some cases, just a logo is enough. We always deliver custom work for the wishes and the budget of our customers.

Do you also make websites and apps?

Yes, we do! It's hard to imagine a start-up without a website and/or app, isn't it? We do the UX/UI in-house. Depending on the size and complexity of the website, the development is done internally or externally.

Are you expensive?

A good brand is an investment that will pay for itself. But it is still an investment. Our prices are based on an hourly rate of 100 euro excluding VAT. Our clients find that more than worth it as we are very proactive and help them with their entire business positioning.

I just need some advice. Is that possible?

We deliver customised services. And if some advice is all that's needed, we're happy to do just that.

My company already has a corporate identity, but how do I know if my branding is good?

That depends on a lot of factors. It is often good to go to the basics of the organisation and see to what extent all expressions of the company correspond to this.

Do you also make advertising campaigns?

Yes, we really enjoy coming up with campaigns.

What is branding anyway?

Branding is the positioning of an organisation in society. Ultimately, your customers decide what they think of your brand. As a brand, you can actually only ensure that you make the circumstances as favourable as possible for your (potential) customers or end users.

My company is not a start-up, but I like the style of the brands on your site. Can I still come to you?

Of course you can. Our specialty is start-ups and scale-ups. But that doesn't mean we don't like to work for other organisations.

What is the difference between branding and a corporate identity?

A corporate identity is a set of visual characteristics that make a company recognisable. It is part of the branding, but the branding encompasses more than that and affects all expressions of a brand. So, for example, also the language used by employees, etc.

My start-up does not have a name yet. Can I already have you design something for me?

Of course you can have something designed with us. We can help you come up with a name for your project. We have done that for many customers and we even enjoy it very much!

Why do you usually do the meetings online?

Because then we can follow up much faster and don't have to waste time on unnecessary travel. An hour-long meeting easily costs three times as much time, including travel time. By doing it online, we save everybody a lot of time.

Can I also have you make a commercial?

We can think up and visualise the concept for a commercial and then work it out with one of our partners.

Can you also provide SEO for my website?

Yes, we have partners in our network that can do that.

Why do you work for start-ups?

Because it is simply great fun to develop an idea into something that exists in real life.

I only have an idea and want to have a logo to show to investors. Is that possible?

We deliver custom work and sometimes it is easier to convince investors with a more concrete image. We can then create something within a budget that can help convince those investors.

What is this brand design workshop you offer?

An organisation is a group of people and every group of people relates to each other in a different way. Sometimes it can work well to find out what an organisation stands for in the setting of a workshop. This can be done at the start-up phase: when determining the brand positioning, but also later on to see if the original ideas still match with the current reality.

Where can I see some examples of the brands you have designed?

In our portfolio you can see a selection of the brands we have helped with their brand design and brand strategy.

Some of our work

Vectis AI
Podology USA